Tuesday, 12 November 2013

The Frog Princess

I have had technical issues, the memory card that was in my camera won't allow me to load images to the computer, thus I have lost 40+ images, many of which I intended to post here!  Anyhow, a friend has been moving house and I got a new machine from it!  If I can get it to safely operate I'll sell it otherwise it's mine.  It's called a 'Princess' and has seen better days, the pedal (not shown in the below images, sorry) has been dropped I suspect, a LOT, it's very broken and damaged, electrocution hazard.  The plug to plug into the pedal looks like a dog has chewed it and it is basically a lot of exposed wires, another electrocution hazard!  Hopefully the motor will actually work and I can deal with the plug by taking one from another machine, the pedal I'm not so sure.  Spare pedals are almost impossible to come by.  Ok, would you like to see some pictures?

Lovely looking machine, it's a Japanese made, zig-zag, feed-dog drop, highshank foot model.  There must be thousands of machines like this around, all going under different fancy names, the other two I've come across being the Sterling and the Myer-Victor, both machines were fabulous.

In other news, courtesy of the friend who gave me the machine above, I have a canary.  He's lovely but I'm rather hoping that my friend B will have him.  He hasn't got a name yet, there's been quite a few suggestions from helpful family members though, Gilbert, Enrico, Bjorn, Puffball, Frangipani, Freddie, Shirley, Elton, poor bird, whatever he is named he will reflect someone's musical taste I suspect!  Perhaps we could just call him 'Canary'?

There is a story to be told about the Fashion Mate posted earlier on but some of the photos were on that memory card so it'll have to wait till I've taken a few more.

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