Sunday, 1 December 2013


I apologise for my absence but I'm on holidays and I've been sewing.  When I sew, I only sew, I tend to get totally lost in it and forget everything else.  This week I have started a pinafore dress and a skirt and finished two aprons.  The dress is a 1950's retro Simplicity pattern.

And in a beautiful rose print.  I will post entire pictures when it is finished but at the moment I will only post parts.  There are gathers under the bust.
And I tried to match the roses across the centre seams.  Not too badly, even if I say it myself.
The skirt is a Burda pattern.  I have never sewn with a Burda pattern before, they are very confusing!  It was my first attempt at welt pockets.
The aprons are made from fabric with edibles printed on it.

I have found pinking shears to be brilliant recently and have been madly pinking everything!
To top off my pleasure I have been using what has to be one of the loveliest machines ever made, an adorably cute 99K knee control.  I love the control with a knee control and this machine does a lovely stitch.
I'm listening to Queen tonight.  It's World AIDS Day today. 
Freddie Mercury

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