Friday, 31 January 2014

A small present

A friend is having a birthday soon and I was very unsure what to do for her.  Eventually I settled on machine embroidered pillow cases.  Using two of her favourite colours I came up with these.

I used the Singer 306 again because of its interchangeably cams.  It was actually remarkably well behaved.  It really didn't like the downward triangles but I had some lightweight interfacing underneath and that helped.

Downward triangles, or upward I suppose if turned up the other way!
I think perhaps I need to play with the tension a bit more but it worked and that's all I'm concerned about!

Oooohhhh tension!

These were really rather neat, I quite liked them.

This has to be one of the more interesting renditions of sideways triangles...

A close up of the cam on the Singer 306

The beautiful Singer 306
The Singer 306 has to be one of the most beautiful machines, in my opinion anyway!  I know a lot of people don't like them and to be truly honest if I'm not feeling patient I prefer not to use them.  They take a shorter needle than your standard sewing machine and have a front loading full-rotary bobbin.  The timing on these machines seems to slip quite easily and unless they are perfectly timed they go from difficult to impossible.  Unless you are sewing slightly rigid, heavy weight, woven material at exactly the right speed they are likely to skip stitches quite frequently, no amount of anything seems to completely rid them of this trait.  I found through testing with my 206 (the pre-cursor to the 306) that they like a spotless and well oiled bobbin and foot area.  Changing the bobbin (which by the way, is flatter than your standard bobbin!) requires you to tilt the machine backwards in its box or stand, no mean feat considering the weight of a 206!  However the one-piece throat-plate is handy because there is little for your thread or material to catch in.  I totally love the zig-zag and needle position adjuster knob though, I've always found it fascinating.  The final catch with these machines is that internally they have a 'cloth' belt which apparently is not particularly robust although in my three they are fine.  I have found a lot of more modern machines use these crimped belts as well but I suspect they may be stronger than the ones used in the 206/306/319 clan.  If sourcing bobbins and needles for these machines is difficult there are a few solutions.  You can re-time the machine to take standard sewing machine needles, some people disagree with this but my 206 is re-timed and works fine.  The machines will sew with standard metal Husqvarna bobbins although they won't wind them.  I buy the Husqvarna bobbins and wind them on a stand-alone bobbin winder, it's easier.  If someone is offering you one of the clan I would say yes and have fun going completely barmy!  They are great if you have patience!  When they're good they're very, very good but when they're bad they're horrid!


  1. Has the birthday been yet? I actually did some sewing myself at the weekend - a sensible thing to do when it 42 degrees celcius. Don't know why I haven't thought of it before.

    1. Yes, it was at the beginning of Feb, she liked them I think. I agree, sewing is good when it's hot, at least it takes your mind of the heat but it's a lot easier to get frustrated. Did you use your Husqvarna?
