Thursday, 17 April 2014


A few weeks ago I went out with my friend B.  I took many photos.  I have attached quite a few here, as an Easter theme.

This garden was fabulous, lots of lovely roses with littler plants in between, like the daisies above.  The roses were amazing, hundreds of blooms in an assortment of colours and shapes.  Sadly my camera is on its way out and doesn't like focusing all that much, often in an attempt to get my camera to focus I'd move it and not notice.  I ended up with some interesting photos because of it!

I don't think I have ever seen so many gum trees so tall.  They were incredible and appeared to stretch never-ending to the sky.  Up in their canopy many parrots and other birds fossicked, showering the unwary in pieces of tree.  I took quite a few pictures of these trees but this is the only one I can find at the moment.

Wherever you are, have a happy and safe Easter!

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