Saturday, 14 June 2014

Janome Overlocker My Lock 234

I finally got to clean the Janome overlocker yesterday.  It was rather fluffy as overlockers tend to be.  I ended up taking the base off to get it clean and reach all the oiling points.

To get the base off, remove screws circled in red.

As can be seen from the above photograph there was a bit of cleaning to be done!  Once I had dealt with the bottom and oiled everything I took the top and side off.  I didn't do screw diagrams for these but it is simple, there is one screw holding the lhs on and two holding the top on, the top screws are under the handle.  There is an oiling point on the top of most overlockers and it feeds into a clever wick system.  I had an overlocker seize on me once and that was the problem, the wick was dry.  When you take the top off you can see the felt and wick system.

The tension is interesting on this at the moment and in the 10 minutes I had left to play with it I didn't get very far, with any luck I will manage better next time.  It does have a sharp blade though which is good.  From the front below:

I have some nice photos of water droplets from the most recent rain which will hopefully comprise the next post.

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